
👀 Discovery Journeys (view all)

An overview of all the Discovery Journeys you've sent

A list of all the Discovery Journeys you've sent. Navigate here at any time by pressing the Middle logo in the top right hand corner OR select the 'Discovery Journeys' menu option in the User menu.

View a Discovery Journey

Click on any row to navigate to that Discovery Journey and view the all the data collected


Invite sent

An invite email was sent to your client to complete a Discovery Journey.

In progress

Your client has logged into Middle and progressed past the welcome screen. We would have sent an additional email containing your credit guide.


Your client has submitted the Discovery Journey including any requested documents.

Sorting your Discovery Journeys

You can sort your Discovery Journeys list by:

  • Start date: The date a Discovery Journey was started
  • Last updated: The date a Discovery Journey was last updated by your client

Searching for a Discovery Journey

Use the search bar to search for a Discovery Journey by applicant name or the Discovery Journey ID number

Applicant / Client progress

A visualisation of how far your applicants have progressed. Click on it to open up a side panel that shows a breakdown of steps per applicant, and which part they're up to.

Ready for Import status indicator

For our affiliated partners with direct import functionality, you'll see a green arrow status indicator within the Progress bar circle. This lets you know when a Discovery Journey is progressed enough for you to be able to import from within your aggregator CRM.

Export to PDF

Export any Discovery Journey as a PDF

  1. Press the (...) menu
  2. Select 'Export PDF'

After a few seconds the PDF will automatically download.

You can export at any time, even if your client hasn't finished the Discovery Journey.


Declutter your page by archiving inactive or unused Discovery Journeys.

  1. Press the (...) menu
  2. Select 'Archive'

This will hide it from your client's view and they won't be notified.

You can unarchive a Discovery Journey at any time. Use the Status filter in the top right hand corner and select the 'Archived' status to show all archived Discovery Journeys. Then on the relevant Discovery Journey row use the three dots (...) menu and select 'Unarchive'.