
Primary vs secondary applicant experience

How it works

  1. The Secondary applicant will be sent their Middle invitation email first
  2. After logging in, they can opt to:
    1. Declare their details OR
    2. Consent to the Primary applicant to declaring details for the both of them
  3. Once one of the above is done, the Primary applicant will be invited to progress the fact-find
  4. The Primary applicant will then drive the rest of the Discovery Journey (fact-find) to completion

What happens when the Secondary applicant let's the Primary declare information on their behalf?

When the Secondary applicant opts to let the Primary provide details on their behalf...:

  • The Primary applicant's view will update so that they'll be prompted to provide the details for both themselves and their co-applicant
  • The Secondary applicant can log in at any time if they change their mind and wish to provide their own details
  • Even if initially the Secondary selects "I'll provide my details", the Primary applicant's view will still update as demonstrated in the picture below. This means the Primary is able declare details for the both of them should the Secondary decide to drop-off. If the Primary progresses the journey BEFORE the Secondary logs in and makes a choice, the Primary will be able to declare only their own details and will be blocked at 'Connect to financial providers'
What the updated Primary applicant view looks like once the Secondary applicant has opted to let them provide details on their behalf

The updated Primary applicant view once the Secondary has opted to let them provide details on their behalf