Navigating the client experience
Your home loan journeys
The home loan journeys screen acts as the 'homepage' for your client. It lists all fact-finds sent to the client. Clicking on the 'Middle' logo at any point will take your client back to this screen.
In the image above, the numbers reference the following information:
1. Application type
Refinance or New Home Purchase
2. Home loan journey ID
A unique identifier linked to the client application
3. Home loan journey status:
'In progress' or 'Submitted' (Submitted references the client's submission of their Discovery Journey to the broker)
4. Continue button
Takes the client into the Discovery Journey, where they last left off.
5. Property location
Suburb and postcode (we don't display the full address on this screen)
6. Co-applicant name
7. Broker name (that's you!)
8. Timestamp of last action
9. Progress timeline
Reflects the completion of each step. Where there are co-applicants, a step is only considered 'complete' when both have done that step.
Fact-find flow
When your client starts / resumes a home loan journey they will be taken to the fact-find flow where we progressively ask questions relevant to their situation.
1. Middle logo
Takes the client back to the Home loan journeys page
2. Page title
The step of the journey the client is up to
3. Questions form
Questions the client should answer
4. Navigation buttons
- 'Back button' will take the client to the previous page
- 'Save & next' will save the client's progress & take them to the next page
5. Client profile
- Allows the client to logout
6. Home loan journeys snippet
Reminds the client of:
- Application type
- Discovery journey identification number
- Co-applicant's name
- Broker's name (that's you!)
- When expanded open, reveals the broker's contact details and website URL (if any)
7. Steps progress & navigation
Relays the overall progress of the fact-find. Any previously completed steps can be clicked on to navigate directly to that page
8. Support widget
Shows your client any relevant FAQs to the page they're. They can also drop us a message if they're stuck or are experiencing technical issues.
Support widget
At any time whilst filling out the Discovery Journey your client can open the Support widget. This will open up a panel that shows relevant FAQs to the page your client is on to help answer any questions they may have. If they need further clarity, or are experiencing a technical issue they're able reach out to our support team via email for us to resolve.
Updated about 1 year ago