
👤 Profile

Customise how some details appear to your client

Getting there

  1. Access the User menu
  2. Select 'Manage account'
  3. You'll now be in the 'Profile' section


  1. Account details: The details you provided when you signed up to Middle.
  2. Optional display details: Customise how you want your details to be shown to your client
  3. How you'll appear to clients preview

1. Account details

These are your broker details provided when you were onboarded to Middle. Email and Mobile details stored here will be used by Middle to contact you should we need to.

Update Account email

This is the email address you use to log in with.

To update:

  1. Press the pencil icon and an 'Update login email' modal will appear
  2. Type in a new email address that you wish to use to log in with
  3. Press 'Update'
  4. We'll send your new email a verification link
  5. Click on the link and your new email address can now be used to log in with

If you have any issues please get in touch: [email protected].

2. Optional display details

Customise how your broker details appear to your client.

Profile photo

Show the world that gorgeous broker smile! Upload a photo of yourself and we'll show it:

  • In the User menu of the Middle Broker Portal
  • Next to your contact details when your clients fill out a Discovery Journey
  • Next to your contact details in any email comms we send to your client

Too shy? When you don't provide a photo we'll display the initial of your first name in the Broker portal or a generic placeholder illustration to the client.

Preferred name

Customise the display name shown to your clients if you don't want to use your Government name. When you don't provide anything here we'll display your first and surname used when you signed up to Middle, or if you're with an integrated partner the one's we retrieved through them (We relay this in the business details section).

Contact email

Change the contact email displayed to your clients should they need to send you anything. Updating this does not change the email you use to login to Middle with. If you leave this blank, we'll show the email address you use to login to Middle with.

Contact number

Change your broker contact number that is displayed to your clients. If you leave this blank, we'll show the phone number you used to sign up to Middle with, or if you're with an integrated partner we'll use the number that's stored by them (This is relayed in the business details section).

Brokerage display name

Change the brokerage display name that is used when we send out email comms to your client. If you leave this blank we'll show the brokerage name you used when signing up to Middle, or if you're with an integrated partner this will be the brokerage name stored by them (We relay this in the business details section)

Brokerage logo

Change the brokerage logo that is displayed to your clients as they complete a Discovery Journey. If you leave this blank we won't show anything.

Credit guide preferences


This setting has moved!

You can now manage your Credit Guide preferences from the new 'Preferences' space.

Manage how Middle sends your credit guide.

3. How you'll appear to clients

This widget gives you a live preview of how we'll display your contact details to your clients. By default we'll use your Account details but you can use the Optional Display details to override this without having to update your Account details.

Here's how your profile photo will appear to your client

Here's how your Display details will appear to your client