
📧💬 Email & SMS comms sent to clients

A list of emails we send to your client

Email invitation

Sent straight after you send a Discovery Journey. Your client can use this to login and get started.

Make sure that your contact details, profile photo and brokerage logo is up to date as they'll appear here. Go to your Profile to mange these.

The initial email to the Primary applicant is an FYI, we'll send them a follow up email to login once the Secondary applicant has submitted their part. Read more on Primary vs. Secondary applicant experience.

Invitation emails with example brokerage logo and profile photo. We'll use what you've provided via [Profile](

Invitation emails with example brokerage logo and profile photo. You can manage your contact info in your Profile

SMS invitation

In addition to the Email invitations, you can opt to have your clients receive an SMS notification as well (Only available when sending a Discovery Journey from the Middle Broker Portal)

  • Solo applicant: Sent once you send out a Discovery Journey
  • Primary applicant: Sent once the Secondary has done their part. Read more on Primary vs. Secondary applicant experience.
  • Secondary applicant: Sent once you send out a Discovery Journey.

All applicants receive the same SMS content. You can't customise the SMS invitation (but this might come in the future).

Credit guide email

We'll automatically send your credit guide in a separate email after your client progresses past the Welcome screen (preceded by accepting Middle's Terms of use). You'll be CC'd in this email as well so you can be certain that your client has received it.

By default, we take the credit guide stored by your aggregator. You can upload your own, or toggle off this email in Profile (coming soon!)


If your client hasn't started the Discovery Journey, we'll keep sending them a reminder to start at 2, 5 and 10 days.

Document updates

When you request or re-request documents, you have the option to notify your client via email - we'll send the below if so: