Monthly expenses
We'll automatically calculate expenses based on the most recent six months average of transactions identified via their connected bank accounts. For co-applicants, the values will reflect their combined total for that category.
The primary applicant can override the identified expenses and amend any category if they choose to.
If both applicants have not connected any bank accounts no values will be calculated.
If an expense type could not be categorised, this will be included in the 'Other' category. It's important they redistribute any known expenses from the 'Other' category to the correct category.
Expenses we ask for
Everyday expenses
- Groceries (required)
- Clothing and personal care (required)
- Telephone, internet, pay TV & media streaming subscriptions (required)
- Transport (required)
- Recreation and entertainment
- Pet care
Primary residence
- Running costs (required)
- Land tax
- Rent and board
Insurance and medical
- Healthcare (services and items) (requred)
- General basic insurances (required)
- Health insurance
- Life, sickness and personal accident insurance
Dependants and education
- Childcare
- Public or government primary and secondary education
- Higher education and professional memberships (e.g. University/TAFE)
- Private schooling and tuition
- Child and spousal support payments
Investment and holiday home
- Total investment property running costs
- Total holiday home running costs
Other expenses
Updated 7 months ago