🔗 Referral link / Lead Gen link
Your unique lead gen capture link where anyone who visits can initiate a Discovery Journey with you.
Getting there
- Access the User menu
- Select 'Manage account'
- You'll now be in the 'Profile' section
- Select 'Referral link' in the left hand side navigation
Using your link
Simply copy the URL and place it on your website, generate a QR code from it for clients to scan, or send it directly in an email - it's completely up to you!
Any Discovery Journey created using your link will use the same preferences set in Preferences for Credit Guide auto-send and Equifax data enrichment.
What your client sees
When your client accesses your link, they'll be directed to the screen above. From there they can select the loan purpose and if they want to invite a co-applicant to join.
Email updates
After your client hits 'Get started', you'll receive an email notification that a Discovery Journey was created. We'll also send an invitation link to the the Secondary applicant (if applicable).
Dual applicant progression
For two applicant scenarios, after progressing past the initial form, the Primary applicant can continue to declare the primary property details and their own Personal details. Once they reach the first step of Financials section (Bank connections screen) they'll be blocked from progressing. The Secondary must log in to accept our terms of use and choose to either let the Primary declare details on their behalf, or add their own details. Learn more about Primary vs. Secondary applicant experience.
Kiwi Brokers
We don't offer Bank connections in New Zealand. All finances are declared manually by the applicants.
Updated 5 days ago