π Edit a Discovery Journey (Co-pilot mode)

Assist your clients by editing Customer Portal as the Primary applicant. You can fix up any errors or enter at any time to help them get past any sections they're stuck on.
What is 'Edit in Customer Portal' / Co-pilot mode?
The 'Edit in Customer Portal' feature lets you access the Discovery Journey from the Primary applicant's perspective. You can update any details, except for your clients' connected financial providers.
Remember to re-submit the Discovery Journey by completing all steps, otherwise you won't be able to import into Infynity
After making your edits, ensure you reach the end of the Discovery Journey and submit it.
When can I use 'Edit in Customer Portal' / Co-pilot mode?
The 'Edit in Customer Portal' button will become enabled only once all applicants have started the Discovery Journey (accessed their invitation link or logged in directly, accepted our platform's 'Terms of use' and progressed past the Welcome screen of the Discovery Journey).
If the "Edit in Customer Portal" button is unavailable, it could be because:
- An applicant hasn't started the Discovery Journey yet. Please encourage them to start their journey.
- An applicant hasn't accepted the latest Middle terms of service. They'll need to login to review and accept the latest terms before you can edit.
How many Customer Portal sessions can I have open?
You can only view one Customer Portal at a time. Starting a new session will cause any other active sessions to become inactive.
What happens if I open a Customer Portal at the same time my client is logged in?
It's fine for both you and your client to have their Discovery Journey opened at the same time. Do note that for now, if you make changes on your end, your client will need to refresh their browser to see your updates take effect.
Updated about 1 month ago