Documents & additional actions
Request documents and set up templates
Note by default, no documents are requested when the Discovery Journey is sent to the client. Login to the Broker portal to request the relevant documents.
Request documents
Quick tip: for the best customer experience, request documents via the Broker Platform as soon as early as possible after you have sent a Discovery Journey to a client. This will ensure that when a client is informed of which documents to upload as soon as they reach the 'Documents' step.
Documents page
Click into a Discovery Journey and click on 'Documents' on the left hand side navigation panel.
By default, there won't be any documents requested. Press 'Select documents' to get started!
Select documents
Here you can quickly load your selections by choosing a template you've made OR manually select documents.
Selecting documents
Expand open the document categories to reveal the relevant documents. Toggle on documents to be requested by pressing the checkbox.
Loading a template
Select from the dropdown any template you've made prior in the Documents & templates space. This will load your favourite selections. You can quickly deselect documents pressing the circular red minus button. Read below to learn how to create a document template.
Editing descriptions
Expand open a document category to reveal the associated documents. Press the pencil icon to edit the description. Editing a description from the Select documents page will only affect the current Discovery Journey, so you can write specific instructions to this client. You can override the default document description used for every Discovery Journey in the Documents & templates space, outlined below.
Finalising your request
- After making your selections, press 'Done' to return to the Documents page
- The Documents page will now be in the 'Unpublished changes' state - your request isn't visible to your client yet
- Finalise your request by pressing 'Update'
Optionally toggle on/off the 'Send notification of update to client' checkbox (only available if your client has already reached the documents step)
- Your document requests will now be visible to your client.
Editing your request
You can use ‘Select documents’ at any time to amend your requested documents. Remember to press 'Update' when you return to the main Documents page to publish your changes!
Don’t worry, any files that have already been uploaded won’t be deleted - they'll just be hidden from view.
Checking the progress of documents
The counter denotes the progress of documents provided for that category.
0 / 2 = 0 provided of 2 documents requested
1 / 2 = 1 provided of 2 documents requested
2 / 2 = 2 provided of 2 documents requested
When a minimum of 1 file has been provided for a Document, it is considered 'Done'.
Bulk downloading documents
You can bulk download all documents by pressing the 'Download all' button. If you're with an integrated partner, all documents should transfer across when you import the Discovery Journey.
Re-request documents
You can re-request documents of your client by providing feedback to them.
- Press the 'Provide feedback' button
- Write any instructions to your client and hit 'Done'
- You can request additional documents by pressing 'Select documents' OR if you're finished;
- Press 'Update' to publish your updates.
The Discovery Journey will be re-opened and your client will be notified (if you enabled the notification option). Your client will be shown your feedback and can re-submit the Discovery Journey once they've actioned your request - you'll be notified of when they re-submit.
Document TFN redaction
Middle will automatically redact the TFN from your client's documents saving you time and hassle! Note that this is currently only supported for documents that are up to 100 pages.
Other things to note
Any documents uploaded by the client will automatically sync across to any other Discovery Journeys that the client is working on, which also require that same document (e.g. Where I have 2 Home Loan journeys that require an 'Australian Driver Licence', I only need to provide it once, as it will appear automatically in any other in-progress Discovery Journeys).
Displaying your bank statement collection URL to clients
When Open Banking is delivered (it's coming soon!), you will receive bank statements automatically in Middle if your client connects their financial accounts. This is our recommended approach and means that using external bank statement collection URLs isn't necessary.
Once you've added your bank statement collection URL in 'Manage account', you can toggle this step on/off for any in progress Discovery Journey.
- On the left hand side navigation, expand open the 'Documents & additional actions' step
- Go to 'Online bank statements'
- Check on/off to display/hide this step for the corresponding applicant
Re-requesting Online bank statements
If you'd like to re-request this from your client(s), you can re-open the Discovery Journey by requesting a document in 'Documents'.
Note that you can't display this step to the Secondary applicant if they've already progressed past and submitted their part of the Discovery Journey.
Updated 7 months ago