
Property details

This section contains information about property that the customer is looking to refinance or purchase (primary property).

Where available, CoreLogic data about the property is also displayed.


You can view additional property assets in the Assets step of the Finances section.

Full address provided

Where available you'll see additional data provided by CoreLogic, including:

  • Valuation estimate
  • Valuation range
  • Valuation confidence rating
  • Rental estimate
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Number of car spaces
  • Property size
  • Property imagery

Refinance or Purchase journey - Full address provided

Address unknown / Still looking

For a Purchase journey where the customer isn't sure of the exact property address (e.g. pre-approval stage), they can select "No - I'm still looking" to skip address entry altogether. We'll collect if their intended property usage, and if investment their expected rental income.

Manual address entry

Where the customer has opted to enter the address manually no information will be provided by CoreLogic.


Refinance or Purchase - Manual address entry